Carly Ryan Foundation

Carly Ryan Foundation

The Carly Ryan Foundation provides detailed online safety seminars for schools and organistations giving participants valuable information on how to navigate the worldwide web safely.

Protecting private information
Sharing information and Federal Law
Social Networking
Inappropriate applications
Online gaming
GPS enabled devices

These seminars include a DVD presentation and are presented by our director, Sonya Ryan.

All attending receive an online safety brochure and printed material to take home Each seminar requires a minimum one hour to deliver.


Promoting internet safety
Delivering internet safety presentations for schools and universities
Ensuring this online safety message becomes a compulsory part of the education curriculum nationally
Supporting victims of internet crime
Providing a counselling service
Supporting families and educating the community about internet safety
Distributing brochures about internet safety
Organising music and media events to promote internet safety, targeting all youth cultures
Approaching government representatives to help create new laws preventing adults from using false names and ages to contact minors online

If you would like to request an online safety seminar for your organisation or school, please email the foundation at

AdelaideSouth Australia

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Carly Ryan Foundation

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