SAMSN | Supporting Male Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse |

Survivors & Mates Support Network (SAMSN) is Australias leading organisation for male survivors of child sexual abuse and their supporters
All male survivors of child sexual assault should know that the abuse was not their fault and that healing and recovery is possible.
Regardless of his ethnicity sexual orientation age or religion any man including all expressions of male gender identity can contact SAMSN for support. All our services for survivors and supporters are FREE.
SAMSN is a not-for-profit charity that has been developed through collaboration between survivors and professionals to provide services to male survivors their families and supporters.
We are currently able to offer our services to male survivors who are residents of NSW were abused in NSW (but may reside interstate or overseas) and to those eligible for the National Redress Scheme who currently reside in NSW. If this does not apply to you please still feel welcome to contact us and talk to one of our team about services in your area.
Survivors & Mates Support Network was founded in 2011 by a small group of male survivors who were searching for a support group to meet other male survivors and deal with the effects of child sexual abuse on their lives. Unable to find such a group they started SAMSN.
Listening to and valuing the voices of survivors in our diverse communities
Information and support throughout the process and beyond
Tailored workshops presentation and consultation
Phone 1800 472 676
SAMSN Free Call
Telephone: 1800 4 SAMSN (72 676)
Hours: Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm
❊ Address ❊
⊜ Ground Floor 8-10 Palmer Street Parramatta 2150 View Map
✆ Telephone: (02) 8355 3711
❊ Web Links ❊
➼ SAMSN | Supporting Male Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse
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