Jive - Adelaide |

Jive is one of Adelaide's premier live music venues, playing host to the best local, national and international live acts. Jive has been alive for the last 18 years.
Having started life as a theatre, at one point existing as a nightclub and risque strip joint, today Jive has found its true calling as a live music venue.
Located on Hindley St in Adelaide, Jive is the perfect venue for live music. Its original theatre set up means it's well set up for live music, along with the sunken dance floor and balcony allowing a great view of the stage from anywhere.
In the afternoon Jive is a chilled bar mostly inhabited by uni students who appreciate the well stocked, good quality alcohol ... on offer.
❊ Address ❊
⊜ 181 Hindley St, Adelaide View Map
℅ Kaurna
✆ Telephone: (08) 8211 6683
❊ Web Links ❊
➼ Jive - Adelaide
➼ www.jivevenue.com
We acknowledge that we are meeting, creating and working on the traditional land of the Kaurna People. We recognise and respect their cultural heritage, beliefs and relationship with the land. We pay our respect to Elders both past, present and emerging.
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